Setting up SSO in Remote with Azure AD

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You can setup Single Sign-On for Remote through certain Identity providers (IdPs). To do this with Azure Active Directory

  1. Inside Azure Active Directory, go to Enterprise Applications and click to add a New Application and then click on Create your own application.


  2. Set the app name you want, check the “Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery” option and click on Create.


  3. On the Applications Overview page, click on the Set up single sign on card then choose SAML as the single sign-on method.



  4. On the Basic SAML Configuration section, fill in the configuration generated on Remote’s SSO Settings page and click on Save.
    • Identifier (Entity ID) - the Audience field from Remote
    • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) - the URL field from Remote

  5. On the Attributes & Claims section, click on Add new claim with the Name email and the user.primaryauthoritativeemail Source attribute and click on Save.


  6. On the SAML Signing Certificate and Setup sections, download the Certificate (raw) and copy the Login URL to be added to the Turn Single Sign-On page on Remote.


  7. Go to Users and groups on the left side menu to assign the users or groups that should have access to Remote.

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