Sharing company feedback on Remote

Article author
Nick Horrell
  • Updated

We've now made it possible for employees to share feedback (without disclosing their identity). This will encourage a work environment where employees feel heard and valued. Company admins are then able to engage with the employee about the feedback via threads to better understand their feedback and make meaningful change.

In this article, we will cover

Employee's feedback experience

  1. From your Remote dashboard, click on the three dots icon at the bottom and click on Share feedback.

    _Feedback Entry point.png

  2. In the text box, share your feedback, requested resolution, and (optional) upload any applicable files. You can choose to disclose your identity in the text boxes. If you don’t, your feedback will be encrypted and your identity will be undisclosed.

    _General Feedback.png

  3. If a company admin wants to gather more information or continue the conversation with you, a thread will be started where both parties can communicate back and forth without disclosing the your identity.

Note: This form is for general feedback only. To report serious allegations and legal wrongdoing, please follow your company's existing channels.

Customer's feedback experience

  1. When an employee submits feedback, you’ll get a notification in your inbox on the top right corner of the platform.

    _Feedback Entry point (1).png

  2. To view details of the feedback, click on the notification. You have the option to respond, which will notify the employee and start a thread. The identity of both parties will be undisclosed in the thread, unless someone decides to share personal information as part of the dialogue.

  3. Close the thread if the feedback has been resolved. Re-open the thread if needed to continue the conversation.

    _Closed Feedback.png

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