What is the difference between a visa, a residence permit and a work permit?

Article author
Abel Louis
  • Updated

A visa is permission on a passport or on a printed/digital paper that permits to enter, transit, or stay in a country for a duration. Visas are issued for tourism, business, study, or work but don't guarantee permanent residency or work rights.

A residence permit is a legal document allowing non-citizens to live in a foreign country for an extended period based on family, work, study, or investment. Unlike a visa, a residence permit grants a longer stay with privileges similar to those of citizens. Requirements vary by country but may include financial stability, health insurance, and a clean criminal record.

A work permit is a legal document that allows foreign nationals to work in a host country. It is specific to the job and employer, outlines the employment's duration and conditions, and ensures the legal employment of foreign workers. A job offer and proof of local employee availability are usually necessary to obtain a work permit. It is also often a requirement for obtaining a residence permit based on employment.

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