How to access and customize HR reports

Article author
Lauren Edwardson
  • Updated

Remote provides organizations with a number of HR-related reports and insights. All these can be accessed from the All reports tab on Remote.

See also: How to create a custom role for access to the Reporting & Analytics tab

In this article, we cover the following: 

Org health statistics 

The Org health statistics report provides insights into your organization's workforce.  

Workforce Breakdown

In the Workforce Breakdown section, you'll see information about your organization’s workforce breakdown.

On the left side, you can see the total number of active and inactive team members within the company.

You can also see the number of employees:

  • Onboarding - New hires who are currently going through the onboarding process.
  • Offboarding - Employees who are in the process of leaving the company, including those resigning, retiring, or being terminated.
  • On leave - Employees currently on approved leave (e.g., vacation, medical leave) who are expected to return to work after their leave period.

On the right side, you can see three breakdowns - by department, tenure, and type.

Organizational structure 

The second section shows information about your organization's structure.  

At the top, you can get a quick view of the number of managers and non-managers within the company. A manager is someone that is managing another employee and can be checked through the Team management dashboard at the Manager or point of contact column.

Span of control 

The Span of control section provides a snapshot of the number of employees managers have in each department.

Span of control refers to the number of people or team members that a manager or supervisor is responsible for overseeing. In an HR team, this concept helps determine how many employees report directly to one manager.

If the span of control is wide, a manager supervises many team members, which can make communication and individual attention harder. On the other hand, a narrow span of control means a manager oversees fewer people, allowing more focus on each person, but requiring more managers to handle the workload.

For the following reports, you can add and remove columns and apply filters to customize the report to fit your needs.

See also: How to save and manage custom table views.

Team member directory

The Team member directory provides a directory of all active team members.

Team addresses

The Team addresses report lists all active team members' addresses. 

Emergency contacts

The Emergency contacts report lists all active team members' emergency contact information. 

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