How to cancel approved invoice?

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When an invoice is approved by mistake or has been paid outside Remote, you can cancel the transaction receipt (TR) independently, provided the selected payment method is a Bank transfer.

Note: When your payment methods is ACH DD, SEPA DD, BACS DD or credit/debit card, this cancellation cannot be performed independently. In such cases, please contact Remote support at for assistance.

The steps to cancel the transaction receipt is as below: 

  1. Navigate to Contractor payments section and click on Transactions.
  2. Click on Filter to select Due invoice that you want to cancel and click Apply filters.

  3. Click on the transaction receipt you want to cancel and scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the Cancel transaction receipt option. Simply click on this option to cancel the transfer.

  4. Once completed, a pop-up will appear as shown below. Click on Go to Awaiting approval to decline the invoice you wish to cancel.

  5. You will now see the invoices listed under Needs review. Please decline the incorrect invoice and proceed to approve the correct ones.

    See also: What if I paid a contractor outside of Remote?

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