How to add or edit a bank account as a contractor

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Contractors need to add a withdrawal method to their account in Remote in order to receive payments. In this article, we will show how contractors can add or edit their bank account in Remote.

In order to add a bank account as your withdrawal method:

  1. On your Remote dashboard, click on the Withdrawal methods tab.
  2. Click on Add withdrawal method:

  3. Choose your preferred currency based on your country of residence.
  4. Fill out your bank account then click on Add bank account (depending on where you and your client are located, you may also be required to verify your bank account via 2-step verification).


Edit bank account details

If you need to change your bank account details on Remote:

  1. Go to the Withdrawal methods tab.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu, then Edit account. This will allow you to make changes to your bank account:

Note: It is essential that the bank country selected matches the location of the bank account. For example, if your bank account is located in Austria, the bank country should also indicate Austria. You can refer to the bank account confirmation letter provided by your bank or check the address of the bank’s swift code or routing number.

See also:


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