How to complete the W-9, W-8BEN or W-8BEN-E tax form

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As a contractor affiliated with a US-based company, you are required to complete one of the following forms during your onboarding. 


Contractors need to fill out the W-9 if they are living in the US and working for a US-based company or are a US citizen (living abroad) working for a US- based company. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has more information about this form here.


Contractors need to fill out the W-8BEN if they are not living in the US but are working for a US-based company. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has more information about this form here.


Contractors need to fill out the W-8BEN-E if they are not living in the US but are working for a US-based company and contracting through an entity. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has more information about this form here.

See also: How do I view contractors' completed tax forms?

Tax Form W-9

How do I complete a W-9 form?

To fill out and sign your W-9 form, follow these steps during onboarding:

  1. Fill out your Personal profile, Home Address, Administrative and Business Details (the information provided in these steps will be used in the W-9). Proceed to Supporting documentation:


  2. In the Supporting documentation step, click Start to initiate a review and signing of the form:


  3. Verify that the details in the form are correct. If you need to update any of the details, go to previous steps and return to the form when the information is updated
    See also: How do I edit the information in the W-9 form.
  4. When you are ready to proceed, click Continue.


  5. Review the finalized W-9 form and sign it with your full name as it appears on the tax return:


  6. Once you complete onboarding, you will be able to view and download your completed W-9 form under the Tax & Compliance tab or your Documents tab:


How do I edit the information in the W-9 form?

A W-9 tax form contains the following information:

Do I need to renew my W-9 form?

Yes, if any of the details used in the W-9 form change (for example, if you change your last name), a new W-9 form should be submitted. When this happens and your details are updated in the platform, you will receive an email and in-app reminder to sign your new W-9 form. 

Tax Form W-8 BEN

How do I complete a W-8 BEN form?

To fill out and sign your W-8 BEN form, follow these steps during onboarding:

  1. Fill out your Personal profile, Home Address, Administrative and Business Details (the information provided in these steps will be used in the W8-BEN). Note that if you’re working for a US company, you may also need to specify whether you are a US Citizen/US person for tax purposes. w8ben-1.png
  2. In the Supporting documentation step, click Start to initiate a review and signing of the form. w8ben-2.png
  3. Verify that the details in the form are correct. If you need to update any of the details, go to previous steps and return to the form when the information is updated (learn more about how do I edit the information in the W8-BEN form here). When you are ready to proceed, click Continue. w8ben-3.png
  4. Review the finalized W8-BEN form and sign it with your full name as it appears on the tax return.w8ben-4.png 

w8ben-5.png5. Once you complete onboarding, you will be able to view and download your completed W8-BEN form under Tax & Compliance tab or your Documents tab. 

How do I edit the information in the W8-BEN form? 

A W-8BEN tax form contains the following information:

  • Name as shown on a tax return; date of birth and country of citizenship. You can edit this information in the Personal details section.
  • Address. Your Home address will be used in the W-8BEN. You can also specify your Mailing Address (if different from your Home Address).
  • Your local Tax Identification Number that you use when filing taxes in your country. You can edit this in the **Administrative Details.** You may also provide your US Tax ID (SSN or ITIN) if you have it.
  • Your country of residence for tax treaty benefits purposes if it is any of the countries that have tax treaties with the United States. Otherwise, you can leave this blank.

Do I need to renew my W-8BEN form?

Yes, the form needs to be renewed on the annual basis.


See also: How do I view contractors' completed tax forms?

Tax Form W-8BEN-E

How do I complete a W-8 BEN-E form?

To fill out and sign your W-8 BEN-E form, follow these steps during onboarding:

  1. Fill out your Personal profile, Home Address, Administrative and Business Details (the information provided in these steps will be used in the W8-BEN-E). Note that if you’re working for a US company, you may also need to specify whether you are a US Citizen/US person for tax purposes. w8ben-1.png
  2. In the Supporting documentation step, click Start to initiate a review and signing of the form. w8ben-2.png 
  3. Verify that the details in the form are correct. If you need to update any of the details, go to previous steps and return to the form when the information is updated (learn more about how do I edit the information in the W8-BEN-E form here). When you are ready to proceed, click Continue. w8ben-e-3.png
  4. Review the finalized W8-BEN-E form and sign it with your full name as it appears on the tax return. w8ben-e-4.pngw8ben-5.png
  5. Once you complete onboarding, you will be able to view and download your completed W8-BEN-E form under Tax & Compliance tab or your Documents tab. 

How do I edit the information in the W8-BEN form? 

A W-8BEN tax form contains the following information:

  • Name, address, country of incorporation of your business as well as Chapter 4 Status (type of business entity). You can edit this information in the Business Information section.
  • Your foreign Tax Identification Number (FTIN) that you use when filing taxes in your country as well as your US Tax ID (TIN) if you have it.
  • The country of residence of the owner of your business for tax treaty benefits purposes if it is any of the countries that have tax treaties with the United States. Otherwise, you can leave this blank.

Do I need to renew my W-8BEN-E form?

Yes, the form needs to be renewed on the annual basis. If you go through our automated W-8BEN-E process, we will send you a reminder to update the form at the end of the year.



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