How to award custom leave types to employees

Article author
Rodney Rasmussen
  • Updated

Modern organizations need the ability to add custom leave policies (i.e. additional time off) and award the time to employees to book and use.

Suppose you want to give employees a quarterly self-care day, a day off for their birthday every year, or extra time off based on tenure. Now you can do this quickly and easily within the Remote platform.

In this article, we will cover: 

Add custom leave type

Note: In order to add a custom leave policy for your company, you must have been assigned the right permissions in Remote (e.g. Company Owner, HR Manager)

  1. From your Remote dashboard, go to Company settings tab > Custom leave policies.
  2. Click Create new category or policy; you’ll be guided through a flow that will collect the information about the policy.
  3. Enter the name for your new Category of days off, or select an existing category if you’ve created one before (e.g. Sabbatical, Self care day, Moving day) then click on New related policy.

  4. Now that you’ve named your new category, proceed to set up your first policy.
  5. Fill in a policy name, a description employees will be able to see when booking this type of leave, and lastly, a longer description (optional) then click Continue.


  6. Next, specify entitlement details for the leave policy.
    • First, determine whether you want the entitlement to be unlimited or a fixed amount of days or hours. These days will be offered in addition to other paid time off entitlements. These days won’t count towards employee time off balances and are not paid out in case of offboarding.

      Note: The policy is recurring by default. That means, the entitlement will refresh yearly.
    • The entitlement you assign through the policy is going to be pro-rated to the day when you publish your policy. This means:
      • If you add 4 days to a policy and assign it to your workforce on July 1, employees will get 2 days
      • If you assign the policy to more employees on September 1, these employees will still get 2 days
  7. The days you assign as custom entitlements will expire on December 31 (they won’t carry over), and will renew on January 1 each year. We are working on giving you the flexibility to decide both the expiry date and whether days will carry over. 

  8. You can now assign your newly created leave days to:

    • All of your current active employees
    • A select sub-group of employees.

    If you select All current employees, remember that you’ll still need to manually add any new hires to your time off policies.

  9. Should you click Select employees, you will be prompted to choose policy beneficiaries from a list of all of your current employees.
  10. Finally, review your policy before applying it.

  11. By clicking Publish policy, all the beneficiaries you have assigned to it will immediately be able to request their new days off according to the parameters you’ve set while creating the policy.

Creating leave policies within the same category

Within a leave category, you may choose to have different policies in place, based on certain criteria. For example, you might want to grant extra days to employees in countries where statutory time off is not as generous. You may want to grant more extra days for C-level employees.

You can do this by creating multiple policies within the same custom leave category.


Archiving leave categories and policies

When you archive/delete a category or policy, employees will lose the ability to book any remaining days entitled. However, the time off they booked using the entitlement prior to the policy being archived will still be in the system and valid.

To archive a custom leave policy:

  1. From the custom leave policies page, you can always archive or delete policies.
    • Archiving or deleting a category will archive all associated policies. This will remove it as an option for currently entitled employees. All approved and pending requests will remain.

    • Archiving or deleting a policy within a category will only impact that policy’s entitlement and assignees.


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