Submit timesheets automatically

Article author
Alice Bracchi
  • Updated

As an employee, Remote gives you the ability to set up an automatic submission event for your timesheets. This is particularly useful if your work schedule doesn’t vary too much, or you're required to submit timesheets every week for compliance reasons.

In this article, we will cover:

How to set up automatic timesheet submission

To enable automatic submission of timesheets:

  1. On the Remote platform, go to the Time tracking tab.

  2. Click on Customize time settings.


  3. In the Time settings section, click Edit to the right of Timesheet submission.

  4. You can now choose between:

    • Submitting timesheets manually: You will need to click the Submit button on the Time tracking page every week.

    • Submit timesheets automatically: You can configure Remote to submit timesheets on your behalf at a specific date and time every week. You can also choose to get a reminder before this happens.

  5. Click Save.


  6. You will now see your preferences reflected in the Time settings.


When automatic timesheets are submitted

You can choose to submit timesheets:

  • At the end of your week (for example, on Friday evening)
  • At the beginning of the following week (for example, on Monday morning)

If you select a submission time that falls after your last tracked hour in the week, the Remote platform will submit the current week’s timesheet. If you select a submission time before your last hour tracked for the week, the Remote platform will assume you want to submit the previous week.

For extra accuracy, we recommend you set your usual work schedule on the Remote platform, to ensure your hours are accurately pre-filled and your automatic submission is correctly timed.

How to override automatic timesheet submission

You can choose to manually click Submit hours at any point during your week. For example, if you’re leaving on a Wednesday for some well-deserved time off, and you want to submit the hours you worked on Monday and Tuesday, you can always manually send your timesheet to Remote.

How to add overtime to automatic timesheet submissions

The submission of additional hours, such as overtime or on-call hours, cannot be automated. These must be manually entered in your timesheet. If you've opted for automatic timesheet submissions, you can input these extra hours 24 hours before your chosen submission time. After adding these hours, there's no need to click Submit hours. The automatic submission will occur at the selected date and time.

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