How to track your time using the clock in and clock out widget

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To streamline the process of tracking your work hours, Remote has implemented a time tracking widget. This feature is only available to employees hired through the Customer's entity.

This widget will enable you 

  • Clock in and out of work
  • Register your breaks
  • Record overtime 
  • Log on-call hours

In this article, we will cover the following: 

Getting started

If the widget does not automatically show on the Remote sidebar:

  1. Log in to your Remote profile.
  2. Navigate to Time tracking > Customize time settings.
  3. Toggle on Turn on time tracking widget.

This will immediately enable the time tracking widget and disable the automatic pre-filling of your work hours.

How to use the time tracking widget

When the timer is not running, you can select Clock In, Start Break, Start Overtime, or Start On-Call. Remote will begin tracking time and classify it as the selected type on the Time Tracking tab, automatically updating your timesheet with the start and end times of each event.


  1. To start tracking your Regular hours, select the Clock icon. When the tracker is running, the clock icon will be highlighted, and the timer will show your working time.
  2. If you need to take a break, select the Coffee cup icon. This will highlight the icon and display your break tracker.
  3. When you switch the tracker to Start your break, the hours you've worked so far will be added to your timesheet for the day.

  4. To end your break and return to regular hours, select the clock icon again.

To track overtime, select the three dots menu and select the overtime icon. This will replace the clock icon with the overtime icon. The same process applies to tracking On-call hours.

For example, if you start working at 8:00 AM, selecting the clock icon will create a new entry on your timesheet with the start time of your Regular hours. If you take a break at 11:00 AM, selecting the break icon will end your previous regular time block and create a new entry for your break time.

How can I edit my hours?

After you clock out, you can review and, if needed, edit your time entries. You can do this at the end of the day or at the end of the week. Note that you cannot edit a time block that is currently being tracked.

Please make sure to review all your entries before submitting your timesheet for your manager’s approval.


Can I use the time tracking widget if I’ve set pre-filled work hours?

Clocking in and out on Remote is about real-time tracking. If you set up pre-filled working hours, turning on the time tracking widget will disable the pre-filling of timesheets. If you later decide to turn off the time tracking widget, automatic pre-filling of your timesheets will be enabled again.

Please note that the widget won’t work while your current week’s timesheet is pre-filled. We suggest you edit your current timesheet and clear the remaining days before enabling it. For example, if you work Monday through Friday and enable the widget on a Wednesday, the widget won’t work for the current week, but will start working the following Monday. However, if you remove all the pre-filled hours from Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the widget will start working immediately.

Can I submit my hours automatically while using the time tracking widget?

Yes, you can continue to automatically submit your hours at the end of your workweek. This feature still works even if you clock in and out instead of entering your hours manually.

How are night, weekend, and holiday hours calculated?

When you clock in and out, Remote will automatically classify hours that fall during the night and weekends as night hours and weekend hours, respectively. It will also classify any hours worked on a national public holiday as holiday hours.

To classify hours worked on a regional or local holiday as holiday hours, ensure you have requested the holiday as an additional public holiday in your time-off calendar before logging your hours worked.

Note that these extra hours, as well as the hours you mark as overtime or on-call, will need your manager’s approval.

What if I forget to clock out?

If you forget to clock out, you can always edit your timesheet before submitting it.

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