How employee onboarding statuses work

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We understand that recruiting talented hires can be a nerve-wracking process and we want to ensure that we carry you along through the entire process of onboarding an employee. Each stage of onboarding needs to first be completed before the next step can begin. This is important to remember because sometimes, an employee not filling out their administrative details on time may cause delays and, in the worst-case scenario, their start date will need to be moved.

See also: How to view an employee's onboarding status

Onboarding Stages

To give companies better visibility into the status of an employee's onboarding, we have refined the onboarding statuses. There are five stages of onboarding that the employee must go through to be fully onboarded:

  1. Adding new hire
  2. Self-enrollment
    • The employee is responsible for filling out their administrative details and providing the relevant supporting documentation. 
  3. Right to work check
    • Remote will carry out a right-to-work check.
  4. Employment Agreement
    • The employment agreement is prepared and sent to the employee for signing.
  5. Activating new hire
    • The employee is enrolled in payroll and benefits (if any) and then their status is set to Active on Remote.

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